Based in the UK, abstractify is a website dedicated to dissecting the things you don’t think about.

Practice makes perfecter.

Hi everyone.

Yes, I have a blog. Quite embarrassing for everyone involved, but let me at least explain myself first.

‘Practice makes perfect’ is a simple concept, but like a lot of things, you only understand it once it actually happens to you. I’ve been taking photos for years and often look back at photos I took even just a few months ago and think about all the things I did wrong, and would now know to do differently. It just takes time.

Illustrator and artist Christoph Niemann said that what practice does is let you sit down at any time and not do a bad job of whatever it is you have to do.

That’s basically why I’ve started this website. These aren't supposed to be blogs exactly - I prefer the word ‘article’. I have a lot of things to say, but this is one of the few entries you'll see that have anything to do with me. After a few years away from essays and deadlines, I need to practice writing, so I can sit down and know how to never write badly.

So if all goes well, in a few months I’ll look back at this very short first piece, and realise that it’s total shit.

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